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Apparatus Magazine reads submissions year-round. We accept only original, unpublished work (no reprints). No simultaneous submissions. Sometimes comments on rejected work. Response in 2 to 3 months (often less).
Apparatus Magazine acquires first rights and first serial rights, and retains the right to archive work online for an indefinite period. Poet/author retains all other rights upon publication. Editor reserves the right to nominate published works for recognition. No payment is offered, however all published works will be considered for an annual Apparatus Award of $100 US for each category (poetry, fiction) for work published in that publishing year (June to May).
For all submissions, the following is required:
* a cover letter, which should include contact information (name, address, phone number, and e-mail address), as well as the number/titles of pieces submitted
* a bio, maximum of a three or four lines
* e-mail submissions only (pasted into body of e-mail), and label submissions in e-mail subject line accordingly (i.e. “Poetry Submission,” “Fiction Submission”)
* submit one e-mail for each category, poetry or fiction
* No unsolicited e-mail attachments – all such e-mails will be deleted unread. Also, no simultaneous submissions.
Send submissions to Adam W. Hart at Submissions@apparatusmagazine.com.
In general, most themes are acceptable for submissions. Avoid work, though, that is overtly sexist, racist, violent, discriminatory, pornographic or otherwise in questionable taste. Check submissions page for updated schedule of themed sections for specific issues - though work not pertaining to specific themes will still be considered for publication in the general areas of the magazine. (Themed sections consist of two parts. Submissions can address one of the themes separately, or can combine the themes.)
* Submit 3 to 5 poems at a time, 2 pages maximum per poem.
* Prefer shorter poetry, free verse. No overtly inspirational poetry, poetry aimed at children, or confessional poetry. Attention given to poems with a strong, natural voice.
* Up to 3 pieces at a time, 500 words maximum per piece. (This means each separate piece can be a maximum of 500 words. Anything over the 500-word limit will be rejected.) Fiction should fall into the classification of "sudden fiction" or "flash fiction."
* No restrictions as to genre or style. Prefer work that opens the form up to new directions.
Copies of the guidelines are available via e-mail by clicking here.
January: Vol. 2 Issue 8. Theme: Clarion Bells & Midnight Chimes. | Deadline: December 31st.
February: Vol. 2 Issue 9. Theme: Ghost Light & Trap Door. | Deadline: January 31st.
March: Vol. 2 Issue 10. Theme: Sugarcoat & A Bitter Pill. | Deadline: February 28th.
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